What Makes A Beautiful Bouquet
Some of us are roses. We have thorns and open slowly but become even more captivating as we unfold. You have to invest for our reward. Some of us are lilies, bold and colourful and unabashed. You know when we have entered the room! Some of us are unpredictable, like wildflowers. We show up with a breath of whimsy when and where you least expect us and remind you to let go. Some of us are long lasting, like the hydrangea that buds early and blooms late into the fall. You can always count on her.
So many flowers – each with her own unique qualities
As I consider which best describes me, I realize the answers might vary. What we are to one person might be different to another. You might hold the place of trusted confidante in one relationship and be the up-for-adventure friend to someone else. Just as notes combine to create chords, each friendship becomes a unique piece of music brought to life. Sometimes the harmony is easy. Sometimes not. But, even in the discordant moments we learn something about ourselves.
Cultivate patience. Beautiful gardens don’t appear overnight, so give yourself a break and respect that every living thing needs time to grow into its surroundings.